Workshop on Gender Equality in Higher Education

More than 40 representatives from universities, public institutions and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) participated in the Workshop “Gender Equality in Higher Education” on October 11th.. The workshop was held on the International Day of the Girl Child and provided a platform for different stakeholders to discuss possible ways to strengthen gender equality in higher education. During the workshop, the HERAS Plus Report “Gender Equality in Higher Education” was presented. The Workshop was enriched with insights, data and views from different panelists including Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation (MESTI), the Gender Equality Agency, public Higher Education Institutions, Kosovo Women’s Network (KWN) and students.
The Report “Gender Equality in Higher Education” is the first comprehensive analysis dedicated to various dimensions of gender equality in higher education in Kosovo. The Report and the Workshop looked at the current state of gender equality, the existing mechanisms and practices and the views and experiences of academic staff and students in this regard. The report offers guidance and proposes recommendations to strengthen gender in various dimensions of academic life.
study visit