Working to functionalize Center for Excellence in Teaching at University “Ukshin Hoti” in Prizren

On 06 October 2022, the Project launched the support to University “Ukshin Hoti” in Prizren (UUHP) in the process of functionalizing its Center for Excellence in Teaching (CET). The Workshop unpacked and discussed modern teaching methodologies that may be developed into training modules to be delivered by CET. The event was attended by CET affiliated academics staff of UUHP, who are in the process of preparing to become CET trainers. This workshop will be followed-up by another, more extensive, ToT event. Support will be provided, also, in the process of developing and finalizing the first training Modules.
The Centre for Excellence in Teaching was established within the UUHP institutional framework. The Regulation outlining the mandate, and the overall rules of procedure of the CET, was drafted with support of HERAS Plus and it was approved by the University governing bodies. The mandate of the Centre is to work in achieving excellence in teaching through promotion of academic culture and offering opportunities for professional development of academic staff. The establishment of this Centre is also foreseen in the Strategic Plan 2020-2024 of the University. The need was identified as a Recommendation in the Baseline Assessment conducted with the support of the Project.
study visit