Working group meeting on developing policies on applied science programs

HERAS Plus has supported the working group (WG) on developing policies on applied science programs in the Kosovo higher education system. The WG meeting took place on 25 June 2021.
The working group, which is established by the Ministry of Education Science, Technology and Innovation (MESTI) in May 2021, is drafting an Administrative Instruction that will regulate the overall functioning of Higher Education Institutions offering applied science programs in Kosovo as well as the requirements and structures of such programs.
The WG consists of representatives of MESTI, the Vice-Rectors of seven public universities in Kosovo and HERAS Plus. MESTI’s decision to embark on this legislative initiative is a follow-up action to the findings and recommendations that emerged from the ‘Roadmap on Applied Science Approaches in Kosovo Higher Education’, which is a strategic and analytical document, which was closely supported by the project.