Training on Achieving Strategic Educational Goals by Embedding the Concept of Learning Outcomes

HERAS Plus organized one-day tailor made trainings for University “Haxhi Zeka” of Peja and University “Hasan Prishtina” of Prishtina on 10 May 2022 and 12 May 2022 respectively. The trainings were delivered and facilitated by Ms. Katja Žibert Kamšek, HERAS Plus international expert.
The participants of both Universities have been trained to improve the design of the learning outcomes of study programmes and courses. These improvements will enable students to develop more complex skills, such as problem-solving, designing ideas, etc. Consequently, the study programmes will become more attractive, and graduates will be better skilled to address the challenges they will meet in future.
These trainings also provided the opportunities for how teachers can plan teaching, learning and assessment methods according to the learning outcomes so that students have a greater chance to develop these skills.
Finally, the trainings gave some insights into how quality assurance mechanisms could help assure that the relevance of the learning outcomes is regularly checked and updated and that teaching, learning and assessment methods are continuously evaluated and updated to best support students in developing intended skills.