The cooperation continues between HERAS Plus Project and University "Ukshin Hoti” Prizren

On 09 March, HERAS Plus project team had a constructive meeting with the representatives of the University “Ukshin Hoti” in Prizren (UPZ).

The team leader of the HERAS Plus project Mr. Aqim Emurli, expressed the satisfaction in supporting UPZ along with other universities in building their capacities to address issues such as accreditation standards, quality assurance and expressed readiness to continue the cooperation with UPZ in the future. Mr. Emurli stressed that there are concrete opportunities for cooperation and support that will contribute to the institutional and programmatic development for the University.

Rector of the University “Ukshin Hoti” Prizren, Prof. Assoc. Dr. Ismet Temaj, accompanied by Prof. Ass. Dr. Shemsi Morina, Vice Rector for Teaching, Student Affairs and Scientific Research informed about the situation at the University, including the achievements and challenges they face, and expressed gratitude and thanks for the HERAS Plus project for supporting the university during the process of the institutional re-accreditation, a process which has passed successfully as a result also of cooperation with the previous project “HERAS”.

In addition during the meeting Mr. Emurli, received an official ‘Letter of Appreciation’ by the Rector Mr. Temaj for the support provided during the re-accreditation process of his University. The Team Leader, on behalf of the Consortium and the Donor, thanked the Rector for great cooperation and assured for continued support towards the strategic development of University of Prizren “Ukshin Hoti”.

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