Supporting the finalization of the KAA Law

On 23 September 2021, with the support of HERAS Plus, the Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation (MESTI) and the Kosovo Accreditation Agency (KAA) held the concluding Workshop towards finalizing the KAA Law.
The Workshop was attended by the respective Working Group Members, the State Council of Quality (SCQ), MESTI, and KAA officials. During this Workshop, comments received from the public consultation stage were reviewed and addressed towards finalizing the KAA Law and follow-up proceedings.
The new KAA Law is designed to be in full accordance with the ESGs for quality assurance and addressing all ENQA recommendations. In particular, the law addresses the ESG standard 3.3 concerning Independence that clearly states that “Agencies should be independent and act autonomously and have full responsibility for their operations and the outcomes of those operations without third party influence”.