Presentation of the Regulation on Open Access to Research Infrastructure (ROARI)
In the scope of “earmarked fund” enabled support, ROARI is designed to regulate the utilization of the Research Infrastructure at University of Prishtina (UP) and enable inter-Institutional collaborations and cooperation with the Industry and Private Sector.
On 16 July 2021, Ms. Ilire Hasani Mavriqi, HERAS Plus Expert, presented the drafted Regulation followed by discussions with the Working Group members composed of Faculty/Unit Representatives, Data Management Officers and Management Officials such as Mr. Kurtesh Sherifi, Vice Rector for Scientific Research, Mr. Esat Kelmendi, General Secretary of University of Prishtina, and Mr. Avni Hajdari, Coordinator of Office for Sponsored Research and Projects.
The Regulation on Open Access to Research Infrastructure is expected to contribute towards increasing transparency and participation in research related activities within UP, increase international visibility and re-usability of research, whilst supporting emerging funder expectations and preparing towards joining the respective International Networks for Open Access to Research Infrastructure.
This activity marks the intensive work and cooperation between University of Prishtina and HERAS Plus Project in the scope of the “earmarked fund” enabled support in several areas.