Presentation and discussion of the 1st Draft of the Revised Accreditation Standards in the 3rd Workshop

With the support from HERAS Plus, Kosovo Accreditation Agency (KAA) held a two-day workshop on November 15th-16th on the Revision of Accreditation Standards, under the guidance of international and national expertise. The first draft of the Revised Accreditation Standards was presented and discussed for additional inputs. Working members reflected upon the revised standards about the proven need for a substantial review of the Accreditation Standards/Manual and the annexes and templates in use and their Institutions vision for the Higher Education.
The 1st Draft of the Revised Accreditation Standards presented during the 3rd Workshop is built upon a process involving surveying of Institutions, International Accreditation Experts, and other stakeholders, and contributions from the SWOT analysis and discussion of the needs of the Kosovo Higher Education System and the lessons learned by administering the existing Standards.
Revision of Accreditation Standards is one of the activities supported by HERAS Plus for KAA in reviewing their current policies and practices to make them more appropriate for the national context and enable more comparable, user-friendly, and transparent evaluations for all stakeholders.
This process is being conducted with substantial involvement of the respective Working Group, established by KAA, composed of senior HE institutions leadership, representatives of all relevant institutions, beneficiaries of the accreditation process, and KAA representatives. Local expertise is engaged in providing contextual inputs in the process of drafting the Revised Accreditation Standards.