HERAS Plus supports the revision of the statute of the University of Prishtina

On 28-30 March, HERAS Plus supported a three-days workshop for the senior management of the University of Prishtina (UP) and the respective working group members which is task to revise the Statute. The support includes also international expertise who brought into attention the international perspective and comparative view that shall be taken into consideration by the UP during the revision process.
At the event, it was stated that the revised Statute shall help the UP to establish a framework that guarantees the well-being of students, academic staff, and people dealing with scientific work and the broader community, to affirm sustainable performance of higher education, and to contribute to the development of the higher education sector in Kosova. Statutes are far from being merely sets of formal rules. Instead, they are value-oriented documents. Therefore, it is crucial that the revised statute mirror developments in the surrounding society, correspond with state-of-the-art tendencies in education, and meet requirements posed by outer agents (e.g., government, labour market, international agreements like those of ENQA and EQAR, macro-level documents like SDGs).