HERAS Plus supports an extended training on advanced teaching methods for University “Haxhi Zeka” in Peja

HERAS Plus is happy to support the five-day intensive Training of Trainers (ToT) on “Advancement of teaching methods in higher education” for academic staff of University ‘Haxhi Zeka’ in Peja (UHZ) that is taking place between 30 May and 3 June 2022. Today’s session was attended and addressed by the UHZ Vice Rector Mr. Edmond Beqiri, HERAS Plus Team Leader Mr. Aqim Emurli and CERGE-EI Foundation Director Ms. Eleanor Hammond, where they stated that this training will enable the participants to further enhance and advance their teaching and pedagogical skills.
The training is being facilitated by the experts of Czech funded project ‘Raising higher education teaching standards in Kosovo (CERGE-EI Foundation)’. At the core of this activity is a series of pedagogical tools developed based on CERGE-EI’s popular and tested Teaching Principles and Practices course. The UHZ academic staff will benefit from the on-site expertise and subsequently expand the gained knowledge across different academic disciplines. The impact of this ToT is expected to be immediate. At the end of the event, the participants will undergo a test and will be provided with certificates.
This activity is being implemented in the frame of the joint MoU with UHZ as well as part of the earmarked support at HERAS Plus provides to UHZ.