HERAS Plus organizes two-day workshop on “Leadership and Team Building” for the University “Isa Boletini” in Mitrovica

On 07-08 December 2021, HERAS Plus organized two-day workshop for the University “Isa Boletini” in Mitrovica (UIBM), mainly attended by the University management, members of the Steering Council, Deans and academic staff. The event was addressed by the Rector of UIBM Mr. Alush Musaj and our Team Leader Mr. Aqim Emurli and facilitated by HERAS Plus expert, Mr. Ahmet Shala with extensive and very broad experience on the matter. Main massages conveyed at the event were that the training will enable the attendees to develop their own leadership skills when dealing with academic affairs and above all, support their institution (UIBM) in their endeavor towards the strategic development.
Noteworthy, the workshop is addressing the important topics such as leadership and management, transformational leadership, characteristics of effective teams and also on practical exercises with working groups. Furthermore, this event will contribute to the promotion of the mechanisms for sustainable development for the management and the leadership of the University. This activity is part of the earmark support of HERAS Plus dedicated to UIBM and in line with the Memorandum of Understanding signed earlier in the year.