HERAS Plus organizes the 2nd annual conference focused on Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) of strategic documents of the public higher education institutions

On 13 October 2022, HERAS Plus Project, the Ministry of Education, Science, Technology, and Innovation (MESTI) and the public higher education institutions (HEIs) organized the 2nd Annual Conference on Higher Education in Kosovo. This year’s Conference focused on Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) of strategic documents of the higher education institutions.
The conference was opened by Mr. Aqim Emurli, Team Leader of HERAS Plus Project, and was addressed by the Minister of Education, Science, Technology, and Innovation (MESTI), Ms. Arberie Nagavci, by Austrian Development Cooperation representative, Ms. Albulena Zaimi, and by WUS Austria Managing Director, Ms. Veronika Nitsche, on behalf of an implementing consortium.
In the opening remark, Mr. Emurli, highlighted that HERAS Plus Project is engaged in supporting public universities respond to increased pressures to improve their M&E systems and to move out of their methodological comfort zones. For this purpose, a ‘Manual on M&E of strategic documents’ was produced and launched during the Conference.
Minister Nagavci, in her official address, thanked the Republic of Austria for supporting all education sectors and reforms in Kosovo. Further, the Minister emphasized the main strategic orientations of the higher education (HE) sector outlined in the Education Strategy 2022-2026, focusing on government efforts to improve the financing model for the public HEIs.
Ms. Nitsche, on behalf of a three-party consortium implementing the Project, confirmed that HERAS Plus is committed to supporting the higher education in Kosovo in its transformation towards internationality, coherence, effectiveness and efficiency, and improving the employability of students.
The Conference was organized in three sessions. It attracted panelists and speakers such as rectors of public universities in Kosovo, policy makers, and higher education experts, national and international. The first session undertook a distinct national perspective, discussing the new strategic document on education, interlinked with the current situation and challenges faced by Kosovo’s universities in monitoring and evaluating their strategic plans. Whereas, the second and the third sessions discussed the national practices through the lens of international experiences in developing, monitoring and evaluating strategic plans of the universities, allowing for more in-depth discussions on Strategy formulation and M&E based on specific cases.
The initiated discussions between policymakers, university leaders, and higher education experts will help universities in Kosovo to develop an efficient and effective support system for planning and control cycle using the tools of the M&E of strategic documents.
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