HERAS Plus grants funding to five successful Programmatic Partnership Projects
On 27th of May, 2021, The Selection Board Meeting consisting of representatives from the Austrian Development Agency, Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation, WUS Austria and OEAD concluded the final evaluation and reached consensus decisions, based on the initial eligibility check results and the Independent peer-reviews from external experts. The evaluation from peer-reviewers and selection decisions by the Selection Board Members were fully based on the respective set of criteria from the General and Financial Guidelines of Programmatic Partnership Call.
In addition to the overall evaluation, project proposals were also assessed on if and how they contribute to the Kosovo National Priorities and the implementation of the strategic documents with a focus on Higher Education such as the Kosovo Education Strategic Plan (KESP), the National Development Strategy (NDS), Standards and guidelines for quality assurance (ESGs) and the Kosovo Economic Reform Plan (ERP).
The Programmatic Partnership Projects are expected to contribute towards Capacity development and internationalisation in higher education, research and management through partnerships between institutions from Kosovo and Austria.