HERAS Plus awards PhD and Post-Doc scholarships
On 31 March 2021, HERAS Plus Project conducted the Selection Board meeting to review the application for PhD and Post-Doc scholarships. In this process the Project awarded scholarships to nine PhD and Post-Doc researchers from Kosovo to pursue their studies at Austrian universities.
The scholarship Selection Board, consisting of representatives from Austrian Development Agency (ADA), Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation (MESTI), World University Service (WUS) Austria and Austrian Agency for International Mobility and Cooperation in Education, Science and Research (OeAD), convened to conduct a final review of individual applications. The Selection Board review is, in fact, the last-instance review conducted by the Project after assessing the eligibility and undergoing expert review in an earlier stage. The award decisions were made based on the clearly set criteria declared on the Guidelines for the Scholarship Fund that were announced together with the scholarship call.
The objective of the HERAS Plus PhD and Post-Doc scholarship program is to provide a platform for the future PhD graduates and Post-Doc researches to contribute to the institutional capacity development of their home institutions in Kosovo by completing their PhD studies and the Post-Doc research at an university abroad. Furthermore, the scholarship Selection Board recommended the Project Team to launch another call for application, which is planned for late 2021.