Gender Analysis Kick-Off Meeting

On January 27th we marked the beginning of the Gender Analysis, a practically relevant instrument for higher education with a view on learning-teaching, research, and international cooperation.
A Human Rights-Based Approach (HRBA) is embedded in the HERAS Plus project as an overall framework and a particular activity. It constitutes an overarching theme throughout project implementation and mentoring through inclusion, awareness-raising, empowerment, and visibility, emphasizing the right to education and relevant human rights principles. These instruments are expected to contribute to the developing capacities of duty-bearers to meet their obligations related to the right to education and strengthen the capacities of rights-holders to claim their rights in this respect and inform transformational policy-making.
Research conducted to identify good practices from an HRBA perspective at Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Kosovo “Integration of a human rights-based approach in public higher education institutions in Kosovo” was presented during HERAS Plus first HRBA workshop in September 2021. Inputs from participants during discussions at the workshop suggested as a follow-up a thorough and practically relevant gender analysis of higher education with a view on learning-teaching, research, and international cooperation.
The Gender Analysis is expected to be action-oriented and to provide practical guidance and recommendations for HEIs and other stakeholders as relevant. This also includes recommendations and guidance regarding implementing the principles of the “Horizon Europe Guidance on Gender Equality Plans” in the Kosovo context. The guidance and recommendations expected to be derived from this Gender Analysis Study (including indicators and other areas addressed in the Horizon Guidance) may be used by HEIs to design their own Gender Equality Plans – the latter being a prerequisite for future applications/grants.
The Gender Analysis in Higher Education will be the key deliverable for the 2nd upcoming Human Right Based Approach Workshop planned to be held in the late Autumn 2022.