Research Grants

Second Call - The deadline for applying has passed


Submission deadline: 28th February, 2018


Call for research projects announcement (English)


Submission form

The deadline for applying has passed.

Open Grants (Archive)

Submission deadline: 14th July, 2017

Please note, if you want to have a pre-eligibility check of your proposal, do not send later than 1st July, 2017.

Call for research projects announcement (Albanian)

Call for research projects announcement (Serbian)

Call for research projects announcement (English)


Submission form research projects incl. power of attorney



Q: Are private universities from Kosovo eligible to apply?
A: No. Only public universities from Kosovo are eligible. See page 5 of the call: “Eligible as project parters are public universities from Kosovo as well as additional public universities and universities of applied sciences from Austria (other than the coordinator.)”

Q: Is there a template for the submission of the proposal which needs to be used?
A: Yes. Please use the “Submission Form” including the “Power of Attorney”. This can be downloaded from this page. The submission form needs to be filled out in English.

Q: What is a “Power of Attorney” and do I have to send it with the application?
A: This is a form at the end of the submission form. It needs to be filled out, signed by all partners and sumitted together with the proposal. The submitted form “Power of Attorney” is a criteria for passing the first stage of the evaluation process – the eligibility check carried out by the Call Secretariat.

Q: Who is eligible for being the main contractor with ZSI?
A: Only public Austrian higher education institutions (public universities, public universities of applied sciences) are eligible for submitting the proposal and signing the contract with ZSI.

Q: Which fields of science are eligible?
A: Please refer to the thematic areas stipulated by the National Research Programme of Kosovo. Please refer to p.2 of the Call text.

Q: What is the minimum duration and what is the maximun duration of the projects?
A: There is no minimum duration of the projects. The maximum duration is 12 months.

Q: What is the starting date of the projects?
A: 1st of July 2018.

Q: What kind of reportings are necessary when carrying out the project?
A: One interim report and one final report need to be submitted. Both have a technical and financial part.

Q: What is the minimum consortium seize?
A: The coordinator/contractor must be a public university or a university of applied sciences from Austria. There must be at least one partner from a public university in Kosovo within the project consortium.

Q: What about partners from the Western Balkan countries (Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia)?
A: Partners from the Western Balkan countries are optional. The call text says “Additional researcher(s) from the so called Western Balkan Countries should be included in the activities of the projects (not a formal eligibility criterion).” In addition, personnel costs for these countries are not eligible.

Q: If the project partner is already fully financed for teaching, does this mean that he/she can not receive personnel costs from the HERAS project? What does “double financing” mean? (p.7 from the submission form)
A: “Double financing” means, that the same activity is not allowed to be financed twice. This means, if a professor is solely paid for his/her teaching, and the research in the proposed project is neither paid so far under the teaching contract nor through other sources, than he/she can receive personnel costs from the HERAS project. Precondition for eligibility of personnel costs is that the research is not financed by any other sources for the proposed research activity.

Q: What if I have more detailed questions?
A: If you have a question not answered above, please write an e-mail to the call secretariat to Carmen Heidenwolf You will receive your answer within two working days.